An open event is a great experience to discover your next move in education. Now's the time to discover your local College! You may think you know what to do to reach your future career but when it comes to the real thing it could be a completely different idea to what you imagine. 

Step away from the vision in your mind and have an experience.

So, here is why we think attending an open event is only a good thing:

Meet real people. This is your opportunity to ask all of the questions about College and the study programmes you are interested in – with the people that teach them. All our departments are on hand to not only say ‘Hi’ but to answer any queries or worries you might have. Therefore, you can get a great feel to whether these are the people that you want to help you to reach your future career goals with.

Are you getting a good vibe? It’s important that the staff are great for you but also the environment that you could be studying in. Pictures are very different to walking in the areas where you might hang out and the rooms you will learn in. You need to be sure that you feel good when you walk into the College as you will spend a lot of your time here so it’s a good idea to be at ease and a place you want to come to study. However, you are only going to reach that conclusion by attending!

The facilities. Come and see the fantastic facilities we have to help you get the best out of your College programme and give you the skills for your future. You are not going to see how awesome they are by scrolling through them on your phone…

Be prepared! That’s right – Getting all the information on programmes, entry requirements etc. gets you focused on what you need to aim for in your last year leading up to your GCSEs. You'll also have options if your results don’t go as you wished! You want to feel confident with your next step – so research it and attending an open event is part of that process.

It’s free… Everything is better with no price tag! Whether you’re still considering your options, or know that College is definitely for you, an open day will help you towards making a decision. If you are set on College, it’s good to visit as many times as possible to find your way around, and meet your tutors!

College has been one of the best decisions some of our students have made! However, College isn’t always for everyone and that is OK – so come and find out if we are for you.

Click here to see all of our open event dates!

Don’t forget that if you are worried that you have no idea what you next move is our career advisers will be on hand to help you too!