The construction industry in the UK is responsible for a significant proportion of the country's greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global climate change. Are you interested in learning how to reduce this? Be part of an important developing industry today!

There is an urgent need to decarbonise the construction industry in order to reduce its impact on the environment through new infrastructure projects, and to remodel the sustainability and energy usage of 29 million homes and commercial buildings. 

How specifically does this relate to the construction sector? 

  1. Climate change: The construction industry contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which cause global warming and climate change. The industry must reduce its emissions in order to help prevent the worst effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and ecosystem damage.

  2. Legal obligations: The UK government has set targets to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050, and the construction industry is a key sector that needs to contribute to achieving these goals. Failure to comply with these targets could result in fines and legal penalties.

  3. Public pressure: There is growing public awareness and concern about climate change, and consumers are increasingly looking for sustainable and environmentally-friendly products and services. Construction companies that fail to decarbonise risk losing customers and damaging their reputation.

  4. Innovation opportunities: Decarbonisation presents opportunities for innovation and new technologies, which can help reduce costs, improve efficiency, and create new jobs in the industry.

Overall, decarbonisation is crucial for the long-term sustainability and viability of the construction industry in the UK. Find out more about the training we've put in place to support employers embrace carbon reduction by checking out our Sustainable Construction Skills programmes and our Home Energy Centre.