As students transition into higher education they often face the daunting task of bridging the gap between their A-level/Level 3 studies and university. This period of transition can be particularly challenging, especially for those pursuing creative fields like art and design.

We asked our partners at Medway School of Arts how their Foundation Diploma, which launched in September 2023, serves as a stepping stone to make this leap more manageable. Here's their advice:

  1. Exploration and Experimentation: A foundation diploma encourages students to explore various aspects of art and design. It exposes them to a wide range of mediums, techniques, and styles, allowing them to discover their passions and strengths. This experimentation helps students make more informed decisions about their academic and career paths before they specialise at university level.

  2. Skill Development: A-level and Level 3 art and design courses provide a solid academic foundation, but a foundation diploma hones practical skills. Students learn to work with different materials, tools, and technologies. This hands-on experience is invaluable when transitioning to university, where practical application becomes increasingly important.

  3. Critical Thinking: Foundation courses emphasise critical thinking and problem-solving. Students learn to analyse their work, receive feedback, and revise their projects. These skills are transferable to university, where they'll be expected to engage in deeper, more critical discussions about their art.

  4. Portfolio Building: Universities often require a portfolio as part of their admission process for art and design programs. The work completed during a foundation course can significantly strengthen a student's portfolio, giving them an advantage in the competitive admissions process.

  5. Confidence and Independence: A diploma instills confidence and independence in students. They become better equipped to handle the academic challenges and responsibilities that come with university-level studies.

For a chance to discuss Foundation Diplomas and the range of university-level arts courses available through Medway School of Arts, why not visit them at the their Spring Open Event on 20 April? Click here for more details and to register your place.