Former Public Services student Aimee Smith visited our Level 2 and 3 Public Services students at our Maidstone Campus to share more about her life after College.

“While I was at College I took part in Exercise Typhoon at Rochester Airport where we were patients in a collision. It was great to see how the emergency worked together where needed

I also went on an expedition to Cornwall hiking and camping, and navigating with a map and compass (totally out of my comfort zone!). I also took part in terrorism training on an abandoned plane. We were the passengers, and it was genuinely scary as the instructors were acting as terrorists! We watched how SC019 boarded the plane to deal with the “terrorists” and any casualties

I needed to re-sit my GCSE maths at College. I struggled with the mind-set, but it’s so important in life. I failed in the first year during the retake, but you just need to crack on and get on with it otherwise you’ll have to pay for it when you leave College!

I’m now at Canterbury Christ Church University studying Policing with a focus on global perspectives. It’s been hard work, but I’m so proud of myself and looking forward to my graduation in Canterbury Cathedral. I’ve studied international policy, the EU justice system, the UN and the changes that’ll happen due to Brexit. My dissertation is focused on the Border Force; the agencies and laws involved, and their powers.

The memories, experiences and police information I’ve gained at university are priceless, and have opened up my job prospects. Don’t be put off when you see the debt – I will have a better chance at an interview with my degree, volunteering experience and part-time job experience, than another candidate who may not have that.

At the moment I work part-time in Tesco, which sets you up with good experience when you’re applying to university or the police. I did volunteering with a local Maidstone charity too, so I have real life experience to talk about when applying for jobs.

My dream job is to be a Border Force officer. I’ve applied for it, and I’m now on the reserve list for 12 months. I’ve applied to Kent Police too. My College experiences have been really useful, particularly for the interview questions.”

Thinking about entering the armed forces or uniformed services? Find out more about a Public Services programme at College.