Former MidKent College student Chitchalena Charvetto has almost completed her Paramedic Science degree after studying Level 3 in Public Services at our Maidstone Campus in 2016-18. 

Chitchalena got in touch recently to share the exciting news that after more than two years of studying at Canterbury Christ Church University she will soon be a qualified paramedic. Her original goal when starting at the College was to join the Army as a combat medic, but unfortunately due to medical reasons could not continue with this plan.

She explained, “I now volunteer as an instructor for Army Cadet Force with the regiment RAMC. Towards the second year of my College study programme I realised that I wanted to become a paramedic. My tutors worked hard to help me achieve this and the programme helped me hugely”.

Mark Lampard, Head of Department for Public Services said, “We were really pleased to hear Chitchalena’s news and are proud of her achievements. Her hard work and determination along with the valuable team-building, emergency handling and leadership skills she gained on the Public Services programme have paid off. We wish her all the best in her future career”.

Students on Public Services study programmes at the College benefit from a wide variety of facilities including a life sciences lab, College trips to Court, police events and universities, as well as relevant work experience within the public service sector.

Chitchalena went on to say, “I loved studying at the College and I loved my tutors – they were the highlight of my programme, so supportive and friendly. I would definitely recommend it. I have been working with South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAMB) for just over a year and have loved every second - the experience is life changing.”

Chitchalena has also been into the College to speak to Public Services students, inspiring and encouraging them with her message – “Never doubt yourself. If I can do it, you can too!

We are sure that she will have a fantastic future as a paramedic and wish her good luck!