Ignas Gleba is an apprentice on the Level 2 Bricklaying Apprenticeship course and works for Roe Brickwork.

Site Supervisor for Roe Brickwork, Harry Whalebone, said: ‘Iggy is a very keen lad, eager to learn the trade. Iggy always asks questions if he’s unsure of the best and most efficient way to get over day-to-day obstacles in the tasks he has been given and asks about the tasks we are currently doing. With the mindset and attitude, he brings I believe he will go very far in the trade and become a very skilled bricklayer, as long as he keeps working the way he is.’

MidKent College Industry Training Manager, Lloyd Woodhall, said: ‘Over the last couple of months Ignas has made a huge improvement at work and College he reads his drawings and asks questions to make sure he has everything he needs. After much practice he now uses all his tools to check his work, cleans his work area, and joints all his work and every piece of work he does is now of industry standard. I am looking forward to him moving on to his second year in September.’

Craig Street, MidKent College Bricklaying Apprentice Tutor, said: ‘Ignas Gleba is one of the students that has stood out for me. His attitude and work ethic are spot on. Ignas has been on time, kept his work area clean and tidy and has been polite and respectful but what has impressed me the most is the time and care he puts into the quality of his brickwork which I've noticed has improved vastly. Hopefully, Ignas will keep progressing at the speed he is because I can see the potential of a very good bricklayer in this young man.’

Ignas said: ‘When I started working for Roe Brickwork, I had only a little knowledge of the construction industries. As I have been working, I’ve learnt different types of things, not only bricklaying. Each day I learn something new and ask questions to find out why it needs to be done and what’s the reason for it, learning how to handle a trowel to lay bricks and blocks to the standard and progress to be better each day.’

Check out the apprenticeships we have on offer here at MidKent College.