The children visited our Medway Campus to make pizza, paint sets for a Bugsy Malone production and play games. Many of the College’s students were involved with interacting with the children..

The charity Friends of Chernobyl’s Children organise yearly visits for the Belarusian children most affected by the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. Those children selected to visit the UK suffer from a variety of health-related issues, and come from social situations where care and medical services may be challenging.

Linda Baldwin, coordinator for Friends of Chernobyl’s Children (Medway), said “Friends of Chernobyl’s Children (Medway) appreciate all the support of staff and students at MidKent College. Their contribution to the respite care which we provide for our children, who often live in very challenging conditions, is invaluable.

Thank you from us all and on behalf of our children.”

The fallout from the explosion devastated thousands of acres around the plant, with radioactive contamination spreading throughout Europe. Over 70% of this poisonous contamination fell over Belarus, with many areas remaining uninhabitable and radioactive.

Beverley Noble, head of MidKent College’s Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy department, said: “The Friends of Chernobyl’s Children is a fantastic charity and one the College is delighted to support.

We are more than happy to help to inspire them towards a better future and look forward to welcoming them again next year.”

Find out more about the charity here.