Charlotte Eley and Beverley Hoekstra from the Microbiology Department at Gloucester Royal Hospital visited MidKent College on Tuesday 3 March.

They ran a focus group on vaccination resources for young adults with the second year Applied Science students. The students trialled the resources and gave feedback about the effectiveness of the lesson plans.

Science lecturer Alison Ackroyd said “This was a great opportunity to meet STEM professionals and develop interpersonal skills. The students very much enjoyed the experience learning a great deal about immunity in the process”.

This set of resources will be used to promote European Immunization Week and will be delivered through the E-bug portal.

E-bug is a free microbiology, hygiene and health educational resource for primary school children through to young adults. It was established in 2006 and is funded and operated by Public Health England.

Visit the E-bug website for further information about E-bug or find out more about European Immunization Week from 20-25 April 2015.