Fantastic news for former Level 3 in Public Services student Harry Knowler who has been accepted into the Armed Forces! He will serve in the British Army Royal Logistics Corps as a Port Operator.

In his role, Harry will use specialist machinery such as cranes, and drive different types of vehicles in order to carry out operations. His unit will work alongside the Royal Marine Airborne Forces, meaning he will get plenty of exciting opportunities to travel, working in ports worldwide including helping to support operations and disaster relief tasks. Harry commented “The role has standing commitments in the Falkland Islands, so hopefully I will deploy there once I’ve passed my trade training.”

Harry feels that the Public Services programme was the perfect preparation for a career in the Armed Services, giving him a realistic experience of the discipline required including foot-drill and marching. He also told us that he’s made some great friends who are all destined for great careers in one of the uniformed services!

Discussing his programme further, he said,

“I found the units interesting, including war and conflict, communications and technology and leadership. The fact that the course is 100 per cent coursework really allowed me to spend time researching what I was interested in without having to worry about exams! There are also loads of opportunities for teamwork when completing our tasks, which gave me good practical skills and helped me in the selection process for my new job in the British Army.”

Harry’s tutor Alex Scates was really pleased to hear of his progression into the Army and said,

“Harry should be very proud of himself – he was a hard-working and determined student and I was delighted to hear that he had been successful in his application to join the Royal Logistics Corps. We wish him all the best in his role and hope that he’ll keep us informed of his progress. Well done Harry!”

Harry is off to Army Training Regiment (ATR) Pirbright, to complete 14-weeks of basic soldier training in November before going to join his unit, 17 Port and Maritime Regiment to learn his trade.

Good luck Harry!