Digital technology and online resources have transformed how our students are studying from home. We're still here to support you during your remote learning - just get in touch with your tutor or our student support team! Resources are available on Moodle too.

 From engaging webinars and skill demonstration videos to conducting experiments in a virtual lab, students have embraced this opportunity to continue to learn and complete their qualifications. We’re busy planning for the new academic year and look forward to making some of these new digital teaching and learning experiences part of ‘normal’ College life for our students. Many are using video calls to be briefed on assignments, with Hospitality & Catering students demonstrating their practical skills from home and submitting photos for feedback from their tutors. Our creative Travel & Tourism students have organised successful fundraising events from home for the College’s Charity of the Year, Air Ambulance Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Our Construction students have used the skills they’ll be expected to use in industry to assess their own homes for measured surveys, condition and dilapidation. Adult students are also embracing this opportunity with an interactive evening webinar for our Human Resources students on the principles of adult learning.

Our Sport students have been tasked with improving their fitness from home with daily challenges, and our Beauty students are recreating famous album covers with suitable clothing and props!

Looking for something to do while you’re at home? Why not develop your skills and learn a new qualification? We’re offering free online courses to complete in your own time and at your own pace for those aged 19 or over. Choose from courses in everything from counselling, personal exercise or customer service to team leading, understanding data protection and safeguarding – and more! You can find out more and apply online here.