GCSE students who miss out on achieving at least a grade C in English and Maths will be given a second chance at MidKent College.

All MidKent College students will be supported through their English and Maths studies

From September all 16-19-year-olds who enrol on a course at the College will carry on studying the two core subjects.

This means some students will be able to retake their GCSEs, while others will take Functional Skills lessons aimed at improving practical skills in English and Maths.

The requirement forms part of the Government’s new Study Programme, which is linked to a raising of the participation age for education and training to 17 this year and 18 by 2015.

Project co-ordinator Heather Gray said: “The education system is going through a period of major change at the moment and it is important young people and their parents know exactly how this will affect them”.

The raising of the participation age to 17 does not mean students have to stay on at school – they can also choose to find employment with training, take up an apprenticeship or continue their full-time education with a local college.

Heather added: “Those young people choosing MidKent College will be able to continue to study English and Maths, alongside their main course, and develop those skills necessary to succeed in the world of work.”

Students who enrol on a course at MidKent College will discuss their prior attainment level with their tutors to decide whether GCSEs or Functional Skills lessons will be most suitable.

Call the course information team on 01634 402020 for more information.

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