Students have beaten thousands of hopefuls at the UK Skills Show, winning three golds and a silver in Science and Design categories.

Young people from 335 UK colleges compete to win gold, silver and bronze and it is the largest skills and careers event in the country. The College has seen great success there but students have shone this year and everyone is proud to be supporting them through their achievements.

Sarah Allen and Ellesse Cheale won gold in the Environmental Science category, Akvile Gailiunaite won gold in the Graphic Design category and Nicholas Burton won silver in the Graphic Design category also.

They were supported on the day by their tutors and the awards were well deserved. Principal Simon Cook said

'I am so proud of our student's achievements. Winning these medals is just a great testimony to their skills and abilities. I am also particulalry pleased for their teachers who have dedicated so much of their own personal time and dedication to help ensure that these students succeed and achieve in the Skills Competition.'

A huge congratulations to the winners and everyone else who took part!