More than 20 Painting and Decorating course students were at Sherwood Cricket Club, Rochester, this week racing to get the club in perfect condition for the start of the season. They are the latest cohort from MidKent to work there since January. Student electricians, plumbers and carpenters from the College have been busy refurbishing the club as supervised work experience. More than 40 students have worked on the project so far.

The students’ deadline for completing the work is the NatWest Cricketforce weekend from 27-29 March, a volunteering initiative that aims to rejuvenate the nation’s cricketing facilities.

Tony Rossiter is Chairman of Sherwood Cricket Club. He said: “This is a first for Sherwood and has been a huge success. We are delighted with the quality of the work. Many of these projects have been on our Club Facilities Development Plan for some time, but have not been actioned due to the high cost.

The English Cricket Board (ECB) and MidKent College have proved that with some joined up thinking, projects like these can be successfully delivered that really benefit the community as a whole. The club gets a much needed update and the students get some real life experience.”

Trevor Noble, Teaching & Learning Manager for Electrical & Construction at MidKent College said: ”The students’ labour was provided as work experience. The work they complete on the club contributes to their assessment and ultimately qualification. They may also get a work reference.

This is the first phase of the project and we will continue working with the cricket club for the foreseeable future.”

Most of the materials were provided by the ECB and Jewson from a grant of £2,500. The club found £1,400 more, which went towards replacing the roof of a garage used by groundsmen, and is paying for a CCTV system that the MidKent electrician will install.

Find out more about our range of courses in Kent here, including plumbing, electrical installation, and painting & deocrating.